How to Prepare for an F-1 Visa Interview

Krish Bajaj
5 min readJun 13, 2024


International students practicing for their F-1 visa interview

We know that preparing for any interview, let alone for an F-1 visa interview can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. However, this is a very important step toward studying in the United States, and it’s important to be well-prepared to make a positive impression on the consular officer. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from potential questions and required documents to what you should wear and general tips to ensure your interview goes smoothly.

Preparation Steps

1. Schedule Your Interview: Once you have your I-20 form, schedule your visa interview at the U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country. It’s advisable to do this as early as possible to avoid any delays.

2. Pay the Visa Application Fee: Pay the non-refundable visa application fee (currently $160) and keep the receipt as proof of payment.

3. Pay the SEVIS Fee: Pay the SEVIS I-901 fee and print the confirmation. This fee supports the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) used to maintain information about students.

Required Documents

Gathering the right documents is crucial for your F-1 visa interview. Here’s a checklist of what you need:

  • Passport: Must be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in the U.S.
  • Form DS-160: The confirmation page of the completed online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160).
  • Receipt of Visa Application Fee: Proof that you have paid the visa application fee.
  • SEVIS I-901 Fee Receipt: Confirmation that you have paid the SEVIS fee.
  • Form I-20: Issued by your U.S. school and signed by both you and a school official.
  • Passport-Sized Photograph: — As per U.S. visa photo requirements.
  • Visa Appointment Confirmation: Proof of your scheduled visa interview.
  • Academic Transcripts and Test Scores: High school or college transcripts, standardized test scores (like SAT, GRE, TOEFL, etc.).
  • Financial Documents: Proof that you can support yourself financially during your stay. This could include bank statements, affidavits of support, scholarship letters, etc.
  • Letter of Acceptance: Admission letter from your U.S. school.

Potential Interview Questions

During the interview, the consular officer will ask various questions to determine your eligibility for an F-1 visa. Here are some common questions and tips on how to answer them:

Why did you choose this particular university?

Be specific about the university’s programs, faculty, research opportunities, and how it aligns with your career goals.

What is your intended major?

Explain your choice and how it fits into your career plans.

Who is sponsoring your education?

Be clear about who is financially supporting you and provide proof of their ability to do so. Also be clear about their profession.

Do you plan to work in the U.S. after graduation?

Emphasize your intention to return to your home country after your studies to utilize your skills and knowledge there.

Why do you want to study in the U.S. rather than your home country?

Highlight the unique opportunities, advanced facilities, and exposure that studying in the U.S. offers.

Are you nervous? Check out Sonia: our very own AI-powered visa interview coach!

Dressing for the Interview

If you look good, you’ll feel good! Your appearance plays a significant role in making a positive first impression during your F-1 visa interview. Dressing appropriately not only shows respect for the process but also helps you feel more confident. Here are some detailed tips on how to dress for your interview, ensuring you present yourself in the best possible way.

General Guidelines for Both Men and Women

  • Choose Professional Attire: Aim for a clean, professional look. Business casual or formal attire is recommended.
  • Opt for Neutral Colors: Neutral colors like black, navy, grey, and white are safe choices. They convey professionalism and are less distracting.
  • Ensure Clothes Are Clean and Pressed: Wrinkled or dirty clothes can leave a poor impression. Make sure your outfit is clean, well-pressed, and in good condition.
  • Limit Accessories: Keep accessories to a minimum. Simple jewelry and modest watches are fine, but avoid anything too flashy or distracting.
  • Pay Attention to Grooming: Make sure your hair is clean and neatly styled. If you have facial hair, ensure it is well-groomed. Nails should be clean and trimmed.
  • Comfort is Key: While looking professional is important, make sure your clothes are comfortable. You don’t want to be distracted by an uncomfortable outfit during your interview.

Cultural Sensitivity

Be mindful of cultural norms and expectations. If you are from a culture where traditional attire is the norm for formal occasions, it’s acceptable to wear traditional clothing as long as it is neat, clean, and professional. However, it’s often advisable to lean towards Western business attire to align with the expectations of the interview setting.

Make sure your clothes are neatly ironed and you look well groomed

Final Touches

  • Check Your Outfit the Night Before: Lay out your clothes the night before to ensure everything is in order. This helps reduce stress on the day of the interview.
  • Do a Final Mirror Check: Before leaving for your interview, do a final check in the mirror to make sure everything is in place.
  • Confidence is Key: Remember, how you carry yourself is just as important as what you wear. Walk with confidence, smile, and make eye contact. Your attire should complement your positive demeanor.

Dressing appropriately for your F-1 visa interview is an essential part of your preparation. It shows respect for the process and helps you feel more confident and focused. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your appearance reflects your professionalism and readiness to embark on your academic journey in the United States. Good luck!

General Tips for the Interview

  • Arrive Early: Plan to arrive at the embassy or consulate at least 30 minutes before your scheduled interview time.
  • Stay Calm and Polite: Greet the consular officer with a smile and maintain a calm tone throughout the interview.
  • Be Honest: Provide truthful answers to all questions. If you don’t know an answer, it’s better to admit it than to guess or fabricate information.
  • Practice Good Body Language: Sit up straight, make eye contact, and avoid fidgeting. These non-verbal cues can help convey confidence and sincerity.
  • Have All Documents Organized: Arrange your documents neatly in a folder so you can easily present any required paperwork.

Wrapping Up

Preparing for your F-1 visa interview may seem daunting, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can approach it confidently. Remember, the goal is to demonstrate your genuine intention to study in the U.S. and your readiness to return to your home country after completing your education. Follow this guide, stay organized, and best of luck on your journey to studying in the United States! See you on the other side :)

Hey, I’m Krish! A fellow international student and the founder and CEO of roam. roam is an ecosystem that simplifies international student migration by putting together all the resources students need to start their lives in a new country in one place. We do this by publishing informative articles (like this one), creating personalized tools on our website, and building digital and in-person communities for international students.

If you have any questions regarding starting a life in the U.S. as an international student, feel free to reach out! We’re here to help :)

