How To Choose Which University to Attend as an International Student?

Krish Bajaj
4 min readJun 12, 2024


A beautiful university building in the United States

Congratulations — If you’re reading this it means you got into multiple universities and are having trouble deciding which one to go with!

Picking the right university can feel like a daunting task when you’re planning to study abroad. But don’t worry — we’re here to help you navigate through this exciting journey. Let’s break it down step by step so you can make the best decision for your future.

1. Think About Your Goals

First things first, what are your dreams and aspirations? Take a moment to think about:

  • What career do you want to pursue?
  • What subjects are you passionate about?
  • Do you want to dive into research or focus more on professional training?

Having a clear picture of your goals will help you find universities that align with your interests.

2. Check Out University Rankings

Rankings can give you a good starting point. Look at various lists like QS World University Rankings, Times Higher Education, and U.S. News & World Report. Pay attention to:

  • Overall university rankings
  • Subject-specific rankings
  • Reputation among employers
  • Research output

These rankings often differ for the degree you’re trying to pursue — bachelors, masters or phd. But please remember, they’re also not always entirely accurate, so use them as a guide, not the final word.

3. Dive into Academic Programs

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Look at the academic programs offered by your shortlisted universities:

  • Does the curriculum match your interests and career goals?
  • Are there renowned professors or researchers in your field?
  • What kind of research opportunities are available?
  • Are there internships and industry connections that can help you land a job after graduation?

4. Consider the Location and Campus Vibes

Where you’ll be living for the next few years matters a lot. Think about:

  • Do you prefer a bustling city, a quiet suburb, or a scenic rural area?
  • What kind of weather do you like?
  • How diverse and welcoming is the campus community?
  • How far is it from home? (In case you get homesick cause it happens!)

Campus visits or virtual tours can give you a good feel for the place.

5. Money Matters

Let’s be real — studying abroad can be expensive. Especially for us international students, so it’s important to look through the numbers:

  • Compare tuition fees of different universities.
  • Look into the cost of living in the area (housing, food, transport, etc.).
  • Explore scholarships, grants, and financial aid options.
  • Check if you can work part-time on campus to support yourself.

6. Get to Know Visa and Immigration Policies

Different countries have different rules for international students. Make sure you:

  • Understand the visa application process and requirements.
  • Know if you can work while studying and under what conditions.
  • Look into post-graduation work options.
  • Stay updated on any changes in immigration policies.

7. Look for Support Services

A supportive environment can make a huge difference. Look for universities that offer:

  • Orientation programs to help you adjust.
  • Academic support like tutoring and advising.
  • Personal support such as counseling and health services.
  • Career services to help with internships, job placements, and resume writing.

8. Language Considerations

If the primary language of instruction isn’t your native language, consider:

  • Meeting language proficiency requirements (like TOEFL or IELTS scores).
  • Checking if the university offers language support services.
  • Being comfortable with everyday communication in the local language.

9. Explore Extracurricular Activities

University life isn’t just about studying. Extracurricular activities are a big part of the experience. Think about:

  • Clubs and societies that match your interests.
  • Sports and recreational facilities.
  • Cultural and social events on campus.

10. Seek Advice and Feedback

Talk to current students, alumni, and faculty. They can provide valuable insights. Social media, online forums, and university-hosted webinars are great places to start. Ask about:

  • Academic experience and workload.
  • Social life and campus culture.
  • Challenges they faced and how they overcame them.
  • Career outcomes and support services.

Join our WhatsApp Community to speak with seniors at the school you’re thinking of attending before making your decision!

11. Think Long-Term

Finally, think about your long-term plans:

  • A strong alumni network can be very helpful.
  • Universities with industry connections can offer better job opportunities.
  • If you’re planning further studies, consider universities with strong graduate programs.


Choosing the right university as an international student involves a lot of factors, but don’t let it overwhelm you. Take your time, do your research, and seek advice. Remember, this is not just about finding a university; it’s about finding a place where you can grow academically, professionally, and personally. Also, make friends for a lifetime :)

Hey, I’m Krish! A fellow international student and the founder and CEO of roam. roam is an ecosystem that simplifies international student migration by putting together all the resources students need to start their lives in a new country in one place. We do this by publishing informative articles (like this one), creating personalized tools on our website, and building digital and in-person communities for international students.

If you have any questions regarding starting a life in the U.S. as an international student, feel free to reach out! We’re here to help :)

